CFP: Issue 5 of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies, “The Aesthetics of Politics and the Politics of Aesthetics In and After Cavell”

Amir Khan, co-editor (with Sérgio Dias Branco) of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies, has let us know of a call for papers for the journal’s fifth issue. It reads as follows:

Stanley Cavell has described the “new, yet unapproachable America.” These days, America seems as unapproachable as ever. Cavell’s reprise of Thoreau for the twentieth century, where American sins of slavery and the Mexican-American War are trumped by the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War, was either “politically” effective or it was not.

While Cavell has been open about his desire to address politics questions in a philosophical manner, it remains a matter of some dispute how, if at all, he does so. One reason for this is that Cavell does not outline a political platform or recommend specific action of any kind; another is that–from his late sixties Lear essay on–the political moment in Cavell is regularly entangled with aesthetic and epistemological questions.

In what ways, then, are Cavell’s political writings efficacious?  How might Cavell’s reading of King Lear help us make headway of the peculiar political challenges America faces in the twenty-first century, if one extends a critique of America begun by Thoreau to the Black Lives Matter movement, or to the War in Iraq? And how might Cavell’s writings avoid falling into the aestheticization of politics criticized by thinkers such as Benjamin, Schmitt, and Habermas?

For the fifth issue of Conversations, we invite essays that address these questions as they emerge either in Cavell’s own work or in the evident political crises of our time as seen in light of that work. Topics might include:

  • Cavell and Romanticism
  • Politics as poetics and poetics as politics
  • Cavell and Hannah Arendt
  • Cavell and Pragmatism
  • Cavell and political resistance
  • Cavell and Black Lives Matter
  • Cavell and democracy
  • Cavell and the republican tradition
  • Cavell and Communitarianism
  • Cavell and perfectionism
  • Cavell and the politics of cinema

Papers should be no more than 6000 words, including footnotes, and must follow the notes and bibliography citation system described in The Chicago Manual of Style. We also welcome shorter, more intimate pieces addressing specific questions (800-1200 words).

Please send complete articles to Amir Khan at no later than September 15th, 2017. If you submit your article through the website, please send a follow-up query to one of the managing editors as well.

Graduate Student Conference “Representations of the Ordinary in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods” CFP (Abstracts due 1/14/16)

fight-between-carnival-and-lent-1559Call for Papers

“Representations of the Ordinary in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods”

The 16th Annual North Carolina Colloquium in Medieval and Early Modern Studies invites graduate students to submit proposals for twenty-minute paper presentations that investigate representations of everyday life––mimetic, descriptive, or prescriptive––from late antiquity through early modernity. How are the particularities of ordinary experience shown, shaped, distorted, or elided in poetry, prose, visual art, architecture, music, drama, and other forms of creative endeavor? For that matter, what constitutes the concept of the ordinary, and how does the history of this concept interweave with the development of realism, alongside other modes of representation?

In short, we shall explore what is at stake in representing the ordinary. For whether the representation works toward a form of distinction or a claim to community, it cannot be neutral. We encourage participants to explore an array of topics within this region of inquiry. (See list below. Note that it does not purport to be comprehensive. All pertinent concerns are welcome.)

The NC Colloquium in Medieval and Early Modern Studies is a cooperative venture between UNC-Chapel Hill’s and Duke University’s programs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. We seek contributions from a broad range of humanistic and social-scientific disciplines––including, but not limited to History, Musicology, Philosophy, Theology, Literary Studies, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Political Theory, Sociology, Anthropology, Art History, Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, and Food Studies.

Interested graduate students should submit 250-word abstracts to no later than Thursday, January 14, 2016 (extended deadline). The body of the email should include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, and contact information, but the abstract itself should be attached as a PDF or MS Word Document. Decisions will be announced by Monday, January 18, 2016.

Possible Subjects:

  • temporalities of the everyday, the diurnal
  • the ordinary in its tragic/comic aspects; mystery plays
  • liturgical practice, parishional variety, guilds
  • agency, habit, praxis
  • commerce and the quotidian, homo economicus
  • play, the aleatory, homo ludens
  • jokes and insults
  • song and dance
  • visions of language––ordinary and ideal, private and universal
  • the body, gesture, physiognomy, materialities of communication
  • pedagogy and learning
  • rise of the vernacular, semantic shift, lexicography
  • reading practices, history of reading, marginalia
  • gender, sexuality, and desire
  • manuals and guides for agrarian, domestic, or courtly life
  • households, lords and servants; the oikos and the polis
  • the ordinary and modernity; everyday life, pre/postmodern
  • the place of death and grief in life
  • representations of reality in writing
  • realism in painting and sculpture
  • realism and nominalism; the generic and the particular
  • common spaces, urban and rural
  • the built environment, orientation
  • imposed structures, functional objects
  • mechanization and machinery
  • print, mass production and dissemination

Call for Papers: Issue 4 of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies

Amir Khan, the managing editor (together with Sérgio Dias Branco) of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies has shared with us this Call for Papers for the journal’s fourth issue. Please see it below:

Call For Paper NO. 4: Literary Cavell

In what sense is Cavell’s work indebted to literature, or literary precursors? While much is made of his writings on Shakespeare, Cavell has other literary interests manifested in writings on the Romantic poets (In Quest for the Ordinary, particularly his reading of Kant and Coleridge), 19th/20th century playwrights (Ibsen, Shaw, Beckett), and a sparse scattering of prose on a select cadre of novelists (Austen, Dickens, James, for example). For the fourth issue of Conversations, we seek submissions that engage with Cavell’s literary influences and influence, and pose the question of whether Cavell is reading literature philosophically or whether he is reading philosophy like literature, or whether, indeed, it is profitable to pose such questions at all. Where do Emerson and Thoreau fit into this discussion? Possible topics include:

– Philosophical versus literary romanticism

– Cavell and Austen and Austin

– Ordinary language and the theatre

– Wittgenstein as literature

– Philosophy and close reading

– Freudian close reading

– Literary transcendentalism

– Style and literary expression

– Cavellian Shakespeare

We also welcome shorter essays and responses that directly address Cavell’s concluding question to The Claim of Reason.

Papers should be approximately 6000 words, including footnotes, and must follow the notes and bibliography citation system described in The Chicago Manual of Style. Shorter, more intimate pieces of around 1200 words are also acceptable. Please email complete articles to Amir Khan at akhan134 at If submitting via the online user interface, please notify one of the managing editors in a separate email. All submissions due September 15th, 2015.

37th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2014 Call for Papers

Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives

Kirchberg am Wechsel, 10 – 16 of August 2014

Scientific Organizers:
Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl & Harald A. Wiltsche (KFU Graz)

Deadline for paper submission: 22 May 2014.

1. Wittgenstein
2. Models of Objectivity and Current Challenges to Reasons’ Authority
3. Fact and Value
4. Intuitionism and Its Discontents
5. Embodied and Embedded: Naturalizing and Socializing the Mind
6. Metaphilosophy: Varieties of Philosophical Inquiry

Invited Speakers
Marcia Baron (Indiana University)
Kathi Beier (Vienna)
Michel Bitbol (Paris)
Thiemo Breyer (Heidelberg)
James Robert Brown (Toronto)
Christine Chwaszcza (Cologne)
Sabine Döring (Tübingen)
Guillaume Frechette (Salzburg)
Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg)
Steve Fuller (Warwick)
Peter Hacker (Oxford)
Robert Hanna (Boulder)
Walter Hopp (Boston)
Hanne Jacobs (Chicago)
Martin Kusch (Vienna)
Charles Larmore (Brown University)
Dieter Lohmar (Cologne)
Verena Mayer (Munich)
James McGuirk (Bodø)
Uwe Meixner (Augsburg)
Karl Mertens (Würzburg)
Roberta De Monticelli (San Raffaele)
Alva Noë (Berkeley)
Søren Overgaard (Copenhagen)
Inga Römer (Wuppertal)
Joachim Schulte (Zurich)
Alessandro Salice (Copenhagen)
Hans Bernhard Schmid (Vienna)
Charles Siewert (Houston)
Jan Slaby (Berlin)
Thorsten Streubel (Berlin)
Michela Summa (Heidelberg)
Thomas Szanto (Vienna)
Christian Wenzel (Taipei)
Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen)
Robert H. Ziegler (Würzburg)

CFP: Ordinary / Everyday / Quotidian (Sept 2013, University of York)



An International Two-Day conference

26-27 September 2013

The ordinary and the everyday are intuitively self-evident, yet notoriously elusive. Efforts to define “ordinary language” or “everyday practice” have preoccupied thinkers across many disciplines: philosophers, historians, sociologists, political theorists, geographers and critics of literature and the visual arts. And these subjects demand more attention from scholars working on race, class, gender and sexuality, as well as food studies and the digital and medical humanities. Yet existing efforts have rarely engaged in dialogue with their counterparts in other disciplines. We call for papers from scholars in all these fields to join in a spirited dialogue at an international, two-day conference to be held at the University of York, 26 and 27 September 2013.

Scholars in all disciplines are invited to to ponder, celebrate, and critique the quotidian, ranging from the furtive pleasures of pop to the dubious delights of junk: “Does it glow at the core with personal heat, with signs of one’s deepest nature, clues to secret yearnings, humiliating flaws? What habits, fetishes, addictions, inclinations? What solitary acts, behavioral ruts?”

Confirmed events include keynote addresses by:

  • Prof. John Roberts (History of Art, Wolverhampton)
  • Dr. Jennifer Baird (Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck)
  • Dr Bryony Randall (English, Glasgow)

It will culminate in a colloquium chaired by Prof Ben Highmore (Cultural Studies, Sussex) and featuring:

  • Prof. Michael Sheringham (French, All Souls Oxford)
  • Dr. Holger Nehring (History, Sheffield)
  • Dr. Rupert Read (Philosophy, UEA)
  • Dr. Michael White (History of Art, York)
  • Dr. Neal Alexander (English, Nottingham)

What do the terms everyday, ordinary and quotidian mean at the beginning of the twenty-first century? This conference will confront head-on the challenges and opportunities presented by the interdisciplinary nature of such an enquiry.

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to by 16 August; general enquiries are also welcome.

To find out more about the conference visit


Jaspers and Heidegger on the Art of Vincent van Gogh — CFP, Proposals due May 31

Van Gogh, Pair of Shoes, 1886

The Karl Jaspers Society of North America invites proposals for papers that compare Jaspers and Heidegger with respect to their analyses of Vincent van Gogh. Special priority will be given to proposals pertaining to the “world” of the artist or his work. For instance, papers may address any of the following questions, or questions within the same topical range: How do Jaspers and Heidegger take van Gogh to illustrate what it means to belong to a world? What is the significance of Jaspers focusing more on the artist’s world and Heidegger focusing more on the world of the artwork itself? What might the world of van Gogh’s work tell us about transcendence? How do Jaspers and Heidegger take van Gogh to illustrate the transformative power of art for the world that encompasses us? How might the different perspectives of these philosophers, or the life and work of van Gogh himself, inform the future of art interpretation, especially with respect to world? We also welcome treatments of other philosophers who have written about van Gogh: Bataille, Derrida, etc.

Selected papers will be presented at one of two APA panel meetings: the Central Division meeting (February 26-March 1, 2014) or the Pacific Division meeting (San Diego: April 14-19, 2014). Papers will also be considered for publication in Existenz.

Send a one-page proposal (200 words) to the program chair listed below by May 31, 2013. Earlier submissions are appreciated.

Program chair: David Nichols,

“Kierkegaard in the World” — Conference Announcement & CFP


The conference organizers of “Kierkegaard in the World,” (to be held in Melbourne, Australia August 16-18 of this year) have just announced their keynote speakers, and issued a second call for papers. More details below, and at the conference website. Note that funds are available to defray participants’ travel costs.

“Kierkegaard in the World,” Melbourne, Australia, August 16-18 2013

Second Call for Papers and Announcement of Keynotes

New deadline for abstracts: 1st April 2013

The conference organizers are pleased to announce that “Kierkegaard in the World” will feature keynote lectures from:

C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)
Kevin Hart (University of Virginia/Australian Catholic University)
Daphne Hampson (Oxford University)
Charles Guignon (University of South Florida)
John Lippitt (University of Hertfordshire)

“Kierkegaard in the World” celebrates the 200th anniversary of Kierkegaard’s birth by examining the ways in which the world figures in his thought, and the ways in which his thought has entered the world.

Paper proposals are being accepted until 1st April 2013. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to Patrick Stokes ( and/or Jeffrey Hanson ( no later than 1 April 2013. Papers should address the conference theme and be no more than 3,000 words.

We hope to make a small number of modest travel subsidies available to postgraduate and early career researchers. These will be awarded on a competitive basis. Those wishing to be considered for such a subsidy are advised to discuss their circumstances with the organizers at the time of submission.

For more information, please visit

CFP: Philosophy, Film, and Television, Undergraduate Conference — Hamilton College, May 3 (Submissions Due March 22)

Thanks to Martin Shuster for passing this announcement along.  Please share it with any interested undergraduates you may know. (And note that there are funds available to bring talented students to Hamilton: What a wonderful opportunity!)

The Department of Philosophy at Hamilton College invites submissions for

Philosophy, Film, and Television Undergraduate Conference

May 3rd, 2013

Increasingly, but also for some time now, philosophers are recognizing the complex philosophical themes and questions presented by film and television; this undergraduate conference aims to engage such topics. Hamilton encourages submissions from any philosophical perspective and poses no restrictions on the applicable film and television content.

Keynote Speaker

Nancy Bauer, Tufts University
“From Reel Girls to Real Girls: What Becomes of Women on Film?”

Submission Details

Abstracts or full papers are due 3/22/13. In case of acceptance, full papers will be required by 4/22/13. Please submit all materials (except for cover page/cover e-mail) prepared for blind review. Submissions should be sent to: (Questions may also be sent to this e-mail).

Only open to undergraduates. Papers should correspond to a 20-30 minute presentation. It is highly encouraged that audio-visual materials be used (i.e. clips or stills), and A/V equipment will be available.

Hamilton College, on behalf of the Danny Kaleikini Foundation, is able, based on merit as judged by the selection committee, to award a cash prize to selected papers to defray travel costs.

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Hamilton College, Department of Philosophy, 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, NY 13323